We will neither forget nor forgive the blood of Dr Nakamura!
The grief-stricken people of Afghanistan bitterly mourn the horrific murder of Dr Tetsu Nakamura and five of his Afghan escorts. This true friend of our oppressed masses had left a comfortable life behind in Japan and spent thirty years of his life serving the needy people of our homeland. Kaka (Uncle) Murad, as he had become known among our people, had spent his last few years in a Taliban-hit area of Afghanistan, Nangarhar province, where he gifted life and welfare for the poor people by building more than 1500 deep wells, 11 dams and 2 hospitals. He had limited resources but with hard work, sacrifice and perseverance he managed to change the scorching Gamibiri desert into green gardens that gave work opportunity to more than 600,000 people. Nakamura felt the pain of the suffering people in the area and like a patriotic Afghan he encouraged the labourers to work extra hours, “You worked for money till this hour. Now spend another hour to work for your country.”
The presidential palace had awarded Nakamura honorary citizenship two months before his death, but has committed an unforgivable treason by not providing him with security. The authorities in Nangarhar province have confessed that the intelligence agency had known about the threats to his life and had warned him about a possible attack a month before! It was the government’s duty to provide him with security and save his valuable life instead of Gulbuddin, Sayyaf, Atta and hundreds of thugs and traitors. But how can one expect such a thing from the den of ISI, CIA, Mossad, and VAVAK agents?

The escorts and driver of Nakamura who were martyred alongside him. From left to right: Juma Gul, Mandozai Ali Khel, Zainuddin, Abdul Qudoos, and Sayed Rahim.
Dr Nakamura quietly collected funds from the people of Japan to execute vital projects without turning them into deceptive propaganda instruments. Unlike corrupt, traitorous and divisive projects run by occupiers and reactionary governments of the region – all under the banner of “reconstruction” and “helping people” – who funnel huge sums of money into the throats of a handful of their corrupt mafia lackeys, and who nourished Jehadis, technocrats, and NGOs and established a corrupt system that has produced viruses of treachery and crime like Younis Qanuni, Farooq Wardak, Atta, Zaher Qadir, Kiramuddin Karim, the families of Karzai, Fahim, Khalili, Mohaqiq, Sayyaf and Abdullah from its womb, this true friend of the people of Afghanistan was committed to humanity turned a corner of this province into a green and fertile place, a province under the domination of Gul Agha Sherzai, this CIA-created “bulldozer” of corruption and embezzlement, and his more filthy predecessors. Dr Murad was looking to implement the second part of the “Pearl Canal” project which was going to prevent the flow of water of the Kunar river into Pakistan. This could not have not provoked the fury of ISI as it would deprive them of free water. The rabid dogs of Pakistan had abducted and killed Ito Kazuya, a colleague of Nakamura in 2008 to stop him from building more dams. Nakamura continued his work with the love he had for the poor people without fear of threats, to the point of sacrificing his life.

Kaka Murad is among the real heroes of our people. If our imprisoned country had had a freedom-loving government it would have named the Kabul and Nangarhar airports, universities and several roads and buildings which are currently named after Jehadi crimianls, after him.
The dedication and murder of Nakamura is a shameful stain on the face of sell-out intellectuals like Partaw Naderi, Rahnaward Zaryab, Mahmood Saiqal, Rangin Spanta, Shinkai Karokhel, Hamidullah Farooqi, Wahid Umar, Ghafoor Lewal, Fawzia Koofi, and those serving the Iranian regime who sing praise to traitors and criminals. First they bowed their heads in front of Gulbuddin, this killer, and then accepted the humiliation from the Taliban terrorists with pride. Naturally, these people unconscionably stayed silent in the face of this tragedy.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) condemns the murder of Nakamura and along with all our mourning people, apologizes to the people of Japan for not being able to fulfil our duty towards Nakamura. While we express our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Dr Murad and the justice-seeking people of Japan, we believe that only a relentless struggle against US occupiers and their allies and chained dogs like the Taliban, Jehadis and the puppet government can we avenge the noble blood of Dr Murad and attain his dream of a free and prosperous Afghanistan.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
December 13, 2019