The Taliban and ISIS brutes have committed yet another heinous crime, this time in Mirzawlang, Sare Pul, savagely massacring tens of innocent women, children and men. While every corner of our country is drowning in war and sorrow, criminals surrounding Ghani in Arg, and hyenas who have been deprived of power in Arg, all of whom are on the leash of their foreign masters, are busy creating coalitions and playing tug of war for more share in power.
In Mirzawlang, our Hazara compatriots were mainly the target. The Taliban murderers are trying to fire up ethnic and sectarian contradictions in Afghanistan on the orders of their foreign masters. But the truth is that our entire country is Mirzawlang, and every day our defenseless people, may they be Tajik, Pashtun, Hazara, Uzbek, Baloch, Pashayee, or Nooristani, are killed. All the people are burning in one fire, and they will extinguish such devious conspiracies, and not allow them to take whatever remains for our people.
The US occupiers are deliberately trying to make the current situation worse, so they can devise a “new strategy” to further tighten the leash on Afghanistan and bring in more forces. Peace with the murderer Rocket-yar (Gulbuddin Hekmatyar) and reviving this defeated animal was done for the same purpose, and we can see the result of this plan in the intensification of war, bloodshed, and fresh alignments within the mafia.
The warlords and mafia heads who created “coalitions”, “unions”, and “axis”, under the excuse of rising insecurity in the country – but actually to gain more power in the puppet government – have sealed their lips in silence now that it is their turn to “rescue” and “protect” the most ill-fated of our people. Atta, Dostum, Mohaqiq, Zia Massoud, Salahuddin Rabbani, Saleh, Pidram, and other traitors, are not crying for the mothers of Mirzawlang, but because they are getting lesser affection than Ghani, from the CIA and their other foreign masters. In an interview with the Washington Post (August 6, 2017), Atta petitioned to the White House that he is a more experienced and devoted lackey than Ghani, stating, “We were the ones — not Ghani — who helped the U.S. fight the Taliban. It is wrong that the U.S. should use us when they need us and then throw us away like empty Pepsi cans.” But the murderous Atta and his likes are mistaken to believe that they are like Pepsi cans, the truth is that they have been used like tissue wipes by their US masters, and if they ever waver slightly from their paths and get cozy with the US’s western rivals, they will face the same fate as Noriega, Saddam, and Qaddafi.
Karzai and his lapdog, Spanta, Barahawi, Najafi, Nabil, Khuram, and others, are shamelessly glorifying themselves under the title of the “people’s axis” as they prepare for another round of power in Arg, but have maintained deadly silence in the face of the Mirzawlang tragedy. These traitors cannot hide behind deceptive associations and bodies anymore, because our people know that the treachery of these sold-out rascals in the past fifteen years is one of the main causes of the current situation for which our oppressed compatriots in Mirzawlang, Helmand, Nangarhar, Takhar, Kunduz, Badakhshan, and other parts of the country, pay a heavy price every day.
Our sorrowful compatriots,
The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, mourns with our compatriots in Mirzawlang and other parts of the country, with a heavy heart. We believe that the Mirzawlang calamity, which is not the first massacre in Afghanistan, will definitely not be the last, till the domination of the Taliban and Jehadi criminals, and US, Iranian, and Pakistani agents, is not ended. Let us unite and struggle to demolish these traitors. There is no way out of this war and terror, and for securing independence and democracy in Afghanistan, other than with the people’s unity and struggle.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
August 11, 2017