The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), commemorated the 30th martyrdom anniversary of its great leader, Meena, in a function on February 3, 2017. RAWA members and supporters attended the function, which was held underground in a city of Afghanistan.
The monologue of the function, honored Meena’s life in these words:
“After the death of the revolutionary Iranian poet, Samad Behrangi, one of his close friends, Hussain Sa’edi, wrote, “Samad’s biggest masterpiece was his life.” This statement surely applies to our dear Meena as well, her biggest masterwork was her own life and the founding of an organization like RAWA. Meena was a strong rock that no power succeeded in swaying. The intimidation by her enemies did not shake her strong will to fight for the freedom of people. The organization found by Meena has today become the thorn of the eyes of fundamentalist and non-fundamentalist criminals, stealing their peace.”
A Pashto poem written by a young RAWA member, titled “Meena”, described her brave struggle, and was read out by young RAWA member, Mahnaz.
Khurshid, another RAWA member, described the appaling situation of Afghan women during her speech:
Afghanistan is one of the countries with the highest rates of domestic violence against women. Last year, 14-year-old Zahra was burned by her in-laws in Ghor province and died along with her unborn child; Rahela died in the hospital after her husband and mother-in-law poured petrol on her and set her on fire; at the same time, another woman was beaten severely by her husband in Takhar province, who also shaved her head. These are just a few examples, but we all know that violence against women occurs in each and every house of this country. What we should never forget is that domestic violence has not come out of nowhere, and is not separate from the poltiial system. It is obvious that the domination of Jehadi and Taliban crimianls in our country for the past two decades has led to the increase of this painful phenomenon.
About RAWA’s stand on the current situation of the world, she said:
The world is caught in a complex turbulence today. The contradictions between imperialist powers have intensified once more. The US which was the sole power on the planet once, now faces rivals such as China and Russia. War in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern countries are a reflection of these contraditictions.
Parts of Mahmood Godarzi’s article on Meena were read. Godarzi, the famous Iranian revolutionary writer, wrote the article on Meena’s 16th martyrdom anniversary on February 4, 2003, which was published in “Shahrvand” paper in Canada.
An article was dedicated to Assata Shakur, former Black Panthers member and founding member of the Black Liberation Army, who continues her struggle against racial discrimination and US imperialism till today, in Cuba.
The poem, “Mother, tell me your tale”, which was dedicated to the wonderful revolutionary mother from Iran, Fatima Saidi, “Mother of the Shayagans”, was read in the function by a young member. It was met warmly by an emotional audience.
Revolutionary songs were performed by RAWA’s choir of students as well. At the end, messages received for Meena’s martyrdom anniversary were read out.