The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
RAWA, December 22, 2016

Gulbuddin’s rabid dog returns to Kabul!

RAWA declared at the very beginning that the prosecution of puppies like Zardad will not remedy our ills, unless their criminal fathers, Gulbuddin, Sayyaf, Mohaqiq, Dostum, Qanooni, Abdullah, and others are prosecuted and punished

The criminal Zardad with his far more bloodthirsty leader, Gulbuddin
The criminal Zardad with his far more bloodthirsty leader, Gulbuddin.

The criminal Zardad, who added “Faryadi” to his name when he moved to England (just like Atta Mohmmad’s added “Noor” to his name), returned to Kabul some days back, and a group of filthy Gulbuddini terrorists were sent – with Ghani and Abdullah’s approval as they make more efforts to strengthen their treacherous ties with Gulbuddin – to welcome this bloodthirsty criminal in the airport. Under the domination of the US lackeys, the Jehadi mafia, it is quite possible that Zardad, this arch criminal, will soon be dressed in a suit and tie and start rolling out English words to be installed in an important government position or in the Parliament, next to his associate “brothers”, Farooq Wardak, Hadi Arghandiwal, Karim Khuram, Wahid Muzhda, Mohammad Khan, Amin Waqad, Juma Khan Hamdard and others. If that were not the case, Zardad would have spent the rest of his shameful life behind bars in England for his savage crimes, and the CIA and British intelligence would not have sent their trained, rabid dog to Afghanistan – like the tens of murderous Taliban they have not freed – to continue his old occupation of committing crimes against our sorrowful people along with other Gulbuddini killers. But it is clear that one of the important aims of the US in signing the peace agreement with Gulbuddin’s infamous party was to make peace among all the criminals, who are their long time lackeys and have dutifully implemented the US’s criminal policies in Afghanistan for years, and gather them to reap the years of investment made by the CIA. The US wants Gulbuddin’s name to be removed from the UN blacklist so he can become its lap dog once more and carry out its ominous imperialist plans, and to this end, has gathered the most brutal gangsters like Zardad from around the world and gifted them to its blue eyed boy.

The criminal Zardad's dog Abdullah Shah was prosecuted and hanged by Karzai
Abdullah Shah, famously known as Zardad’s dog, was prosecuted as a war criminal and quietly hanged by the Karzai government in 2004 to prevent him from exposing his masters’, Gulbuddin and Zardad, crimes.

Zardad and his dogs(1), including Abdullah Shah, had a check post in the Sorobi highway during the bloody and traitorous years of Jehadi rule, and arrested and tortured and raped thousands of our compatriots who tried to escape the dog-eat-dog fighting in Kabul through this route. Tens of our innocent people and intellectuals were killed in this dungeon of Gulbuddin.

During the Taliban rule, this murderer was holed up in England and exposed by the BBC. With the support of human rights organizations in England, RAWA provided evidence and witnesses to the British authorities and demanded a life prison for Zardad. However, the British government, who saw a useful agent in this rapist killer, sentenced him to just 20 years.

It is interesting that Ghani and Abdullah have declared that anybody who wishes to claim against Zardad can file a case against him! These words make the cats of Afghanistan laugh too. Why and how is it possible that the corrupt judiciary of Afghanistan – about which Ghani has also hypocritically complained several times – which has shamelessly covered up the case of Farkhunda’s murder, Shakeela’s rape, gang-rape by Sayyaf’s men in Paghman, and hundreds of such cases, would review this case? More importantly, if this puppet government is not in the habit of lying shamelessly, why has Gulbuddin, who has given birth to hundreds of Zardads, been granted immunity?

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), declared at the very beginning that the prosecution of puppies like Zardad will not remedy our ills, unless their criminal fathers, Gulbuddin, Sayyaf, Mohaqiq, Dostum, Qanooni, Abdullah, and others are prosecuted and punished.

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
December 22, 2016


1- Abdullah Shah, famously known as Zardad’s dog, was prosecuted as a war criminal and quietly hanged by the Karzai government in 2004 to prevent him from exposing his masters’, Gulbuddin and Zardad, crimes.

Category: English, English RAWA - Views: 7421