The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
RAWA, September 23, 2016

Peace deal with criminal Gulbuddin, another game of the US and its stooges with the fate of our nation

The government has poured salt on the wounds of the people of Kabul with this torturous act, and Gulbuddin will step over the blood of thousands of the victims of his killings and rockets in coming back to power

Gulbuddin criminal and killer of thousands of Afghan people

At last, the puppet government of Ghani and Abdullah have signed an agreement with Gulbuddin, this bloodthirsty murderer, so he could rejoin the other agents and creations of the US and West in their festivities. The government has poured salt on the wounds of the people of Kabul with this torturous act, and Gulbuddin will step over the blood of thousands of the victims of his killings and rockets in coming back to power.

The Gulbuddini criminals had been bargaining for months, and finally succeeded in selling their leader’s filthy corpse to the US and its puppet government, at a high price. While millions of our compatriots are suffering in poverty and destitution, and the salaries of low-ranking government officials, teachers, soldiers, and police are not paid for months, the traitorous heads of the puppet government and the so-called Peace Council have spent a hefty amount of money for the security of this national traitor. By giving endless privileges such as townships and posts in the governments, these killers are being given an open hand in killing and terrorizing our people, and especially the intellectuals of our country.

The US occupiers gave its blue eyed boy and long term agent, immunity from prosecution and will soon remove his name from the UNSC blacklist, so “Rocketyar” could join his fellow traitors and criminals, Sayyaf, Mohaqiq, Haji Almas, Dostum, Abdullah, Qanooni, Maulawi Qalamuddin, Khalili, Ismail, Mullah Mutawakil, and others, in the puppet government.

While a number of so-called “experts” and “analysts” have welcomed Gulbuddin’s comeback “for the good of peace and security of the country”, the truth is that a deal with this ISI lackey and giving him immunity is betraying the blood of hundreds of intellectuals and thousands of our compatriots who have been killed by his murderous gang. “Honoring and respecting” the acid-throwing and rocket-firing Gulbuddin is stampeding on the blood of 70,000 Kabulis who were martyred in the dog-eat-dog infighting between him and his Jehadi brothers.

The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), states again, that the bitter past shows that “peace” attained by pleading to bloodthirsty Taliban and Gulbuddini traitors, cannot be long-lasting and in the interest of our people. It will not be long before the same killers and their partners will turn this “peace” into terror and countless hardships, the only victims of which will be our sorrowful people. Other than this, the US is actively sponsoring ISIS and Taliban to export terrorism to Russia and China, and is and will never be interested in peace and stability in Afghanistan.

We have always said that true peace can only be attained when the hands of the US occupiers and its allies are cut off from our country, and all the traitors and criminals of the past forty years are punished, and a democratic government is built by a wrathful uprising of our people when they will take their fate into their own hands.

Category: English, English RAWA - Views: 6681