article with the heading " fate of
fundamentalist traitors in the hands of US and other powers"
looks at the failed talks between Taliban and Jihady groups. Under order
from US, Taliban and Jihady traitors entered into unconditional talks in
Islamabad in April this year. Prior to this Taliban had put three preconditions
to any form of talks with their Jihady 'brothers' which was as follow,
1. Formal recognition of their Emirate 2. Disarmament of Northern Alliance
3. And beginning of talks under a "religious scholars commission"
However as soon as Uncle Sam stepped in Taleeban did away with their preconditions
and jumped in for the talks. Jihady traitors didn't loose face as their
dependence on India and France and Uzbekistan and Russia is not a secret,
but this was a slap of embarrassment to the face of Taliban who were boasting
autonomy and independence from foreign powers but jumped in for the talks
in their masters signal. Pakistani media reported that whenever the two
sided jumped on each other like cat and dog, US ambassador would have rushed
in and put them in their seats.
has been active in its disclosure of lies and behind the scene collaboration
of some of our "intellectuals". This issue reveals the truth
about Dr Akram Osman
who was in the service of Russian and their local dogs during the communist
regime and now he is trying to get friendly with fundamentalist tyrants.
Last issue of WM analysed one of his writing in an Iranian publication
in which the doctor ignored all the crimes and tyrannies of fundamentalism
against our people and has asked them to unite. WM concluded that perhaps
this way he wants them to commit their crimes and tyrannies on the people
of Afghanistan in a more unified and organised manner!! In response he
wrote to RAWA and the present article in effect is a response to his letter.
Dr Akram Osman is one of those intellectuals who first sold himself to
the puppet regime and after the demise of Najeeb is selling himself in
an even more despicable manner to fundamentalists. In the article headed
" Dr Akram Osman, an agent? or agent of agent?" it is proven
with references to historical facts and his own words, that he was an active
member of "Khad" and KGB and friend and companion to Dr Najeeb,
and now want to get in bed with fundamentalists. The second part of this
article will continue in next issue of WM (No 50).
present issue includes around 35 pages of Reports
(a total of 80 reports) from Kabul and
other provinces highlighting the corruptions and crimes committed by Taleeban's
and Jehadys in those provinces. A report from Mazar-e-Sharif tells the
details of the demonstration of people of Mazar against the worst economical
and social condition brought on by increased unemployment, hanger, theft,
rapes and kidnapping and other heinous crimes committed by armed men. On
22nd March this year people came to the streets of Mazar carrying banners
of "down with the war mongers" and shouting slogan of "
down with Jehadys" "long live Peace", "down with foreign
and local thieves" "we want freedom" " down with Iran,
Pakistan and US". The demonstrators were demanding the armed forces
to get out of the city, an immediate cease fire among the warmongers and
opening up of the roads interring the city. The number of demonstrators
increased to around 2000 by midday and turned to a massive uprising by
afternoon as people were encouraged to talk against the crimes committed
by the Taliban and Jihady traitors. Some individuals were trying to change
the direction of the demonstration and pertain it to a particular warmongers
faction, but were dragged off the stage and people who were talking against
the crimes committed by the warmongers and demanding peoples rights were
cheered and encouraged. WM goes on "On the second day (24th March
1998) the demonstrators were attacked by the armed members of "Jamiat-e-Islami"
and other armed Jihady armed groups. In the attack 9 people were killed
and 16 people injured and hundreds were arrested. This did not broke the
spirit of the people but enraged even more as they were flying blood stained
clothes of the martyrs and shouting slogans against the attackers at the
top of their voices. According the WM report the number of demonstrator
were reaching more than ten thousand people.
The cause for uprisings failure can be related to three main reasons 1.
Absence of a proper and experienced leadership. 2. trust on non reliable
and individuals with suspicious backgrounds. 3. and penetration of the
uprising by large number of conservative, compromising and coward individuals.
At the end of the article WM writes
with bold letters that "If a few people get bloody noses in the farthest
part of the world, its news would be flashed all over the planet by the
worlds media. But the international electronic media all over the world
and even in Pakistan either ignored this massive uprising of thousands
of people or treated it with insignificance. It was not palatable for the
world and local powers that people for once had rebelled against the fundamentalist
servants and felt it as a slap to their faces." In the end the content
of a letter by the " teacher's association" was reported which
has been secretively circulated in Kabul.

Also in this issue The
Rahnumma (Guide) publication was introduced.
The Guide which began its publication since April 1997 and is following
the footsteps of its predecessor 'Agahi'is a publication that writes against
fundamentalism and its supporters. It is published in a simple and to the
point manner inside Afghanistan. WM considers such publications as an effective
blade on the neck of the fundamentalism and hopes that they be successful
in their aims and to become even more effective in their struggle.

"Fatana Gailany no longer
spreads her veil in begging in front of fundamentalist traitors. Tore Paikay
Sangeen veil of peace has been swept by the wind"
is the heading of an article which discloses the lip services paid by these
two women to fundamentalism.

In another article with the heading
"Bozorg Hailavy, a writer with lost
values" WM comments on the Iranian
writer. WM believes that a writer is valuable to society as long as he
is not contradicting and betraying his works by siding with politics of
regression and reaction. Otherwise even a very talented and popular writer
or poet will end up loosing the love and respect that the people were bestowing
upon him\her. Bozorg Hailavy by bowing to fundamentalist regime of Iran
and giving up his struggle against them fell from the eyes of the people.

'intelligentsia' of past connection
either to the communist regime or the fundamentalists has been attacking
WM since its inception. This issue is responding to the questions such
as "Why WM is considered as a bullet
to the head of Jihady and Taliban criminals? Why Women Message is hated
and is under hysteric attack of submissive and compromising intellectuals?"…

WM asks "Is
'Bibi Hajia' Klaus an imposter
or a fool?" WM has already published
an article about 'Bibi Hajia' in 47th issue who is a 45 year old Swedish
Women that converted to Islam about 16 years ago and is a member of Harakat-e-Islaamy,
Mawlawy Mohammad Nabi's group. In one of her recent interviews with Frontier
Post she has called some of the simplest entertainments as "anti Islamic"
and "perversive" and has said that "the construction of
new musical center and video arcade had made the situation even worse".
WM respond to Bibi Hajia is that even though she shows a lot of excitement
and deep feeling for Islam, why doesn't she break with her Swedish life
style. She consider our poor nation's simple form of entertainments such
as watching video and our even more poverty stricken children's play of
video game as inappropriate! WM calls this a shameful deceit that she want
the Swedish democracy and freedom for herself and humiliations and whips
of Taliban for Afghans.
published a pictorial bulletin in 40 pages on the meetings organised in
Peshawar to celebrate the international day of women on 8th
March. The present issue has pictures of demonstration by Afghans
and other nations on the international day of women.
article with the headline "Taliban
sees their survival in the growth and trade of illegal drugs"
gives the figures from a report by international committee for the control
of illegal substances. This shows the lies told by Taliban on their denial
of involvement in the drug trade. According to this report, Afghanistan
is the biggest producer of poppy from which illegal drugs such as morphine
and heroin is extracted. These products are extracted in underground laboratories
in Afghanistan- Pakistan border areas but mainly inside the Afghanistan
soil. WM adds the 1997 survey carried out by the united nations development
program which shows a 25% increase in the production of opium which is
an increase of about 2800 tons compare to the 1996 production, while at
the same time the increase in the area of growth is only 8.2% which translates
to 58400 hectares (Frontier Post,
25th Feb 1998). Lies and deceits told by Taliban
has enraged even the British government where its foreign minister has
reportedly demanded that "Taliban should answer why growth of opium
is encouraged in Afghanistan and is used to finance their military operations
(Dawn, 2nd May 1998)

the issue of armed race between India and Pakistan WM writes "to
be the superior power in the region and turning a total blind eye to the
horrible poverty of their countries, India and Pakistan have turned into
nuclear powers". This article concludes
by saying "India-Pakistan armed race shows for the thousandth time
the way developing countries are kept under total control by Imperialist
powers in keeping them in state of conflict with each other. Imperialistic
powers stock pile nuclear weapons and countries like US spend 25 billion
a year for the production and development of nuclear weapon and yet establish
economic sanctions against India and Pakistan which will only put more
pressure on the poverty stricken people of these countries and denying
them a small chance that they might have of developing out of their miserable

Another article of WM ridicules
the reaction of the Taliban to the India-Pakistan nuclear issue. The Taliban
who are enemy to science and culture as a whole, has asked restraint from
their masters in Pakistani government.

WM also receives a lot mail
from its readers that reflects their responds
to previous issues. In the present issue around 60
letters has been published and responded
covering around 25 pages.

A few pages are given to the pictures
which shows participation of RAWA's members
in "Dadaa Ameer Haider Sangeet" conference held in Rawalpindi,
Seminar on "gender and Human rights in Afghanistan" held in London,
Seminar on "Teenagers problems at home in outside environment"
held in London, and other ceremonies reflecting another corner of RAWA's

WM also publishes a list
of documents and publication that are
send to it. This issue list more than hundred publication in Persian, Pashto,
English and Urdu languages, that has reached our address. WM also list
the monetary helps that it receives from inside Afghanistan and other countries.
This issue lists the help we received from 14 individuals from Afghanistan
and 7 from Germany and US.

The front cover of
this issue carries the picture of a servant Talib, that excitedly holds
an amputated hand in his hand (Kabul this year), underneath is written
in bold " Today it is your sword that cuts the poor hands of our people,
tomorrow it will be our sword in your neck, a neck which is constantly
bowing to your foreign masters!

Back cover
is carrying a picture depicting the representatives of Northern Alliance
and Taliban in the presence of Pakistan's foreign minister and an Arab.
The picture is explained as " O' deceitful demons, Yesterday you announced
holy war on each other, today under orders from your American and Pakistani
foster parents your holding each other in your arms, and tomorrow again
under the name of Islam and Mohammady Shariat you will throw each others
guts in the streets and … this vicious circle will continue while our people
will pay with their innocent lives. May the strong hands of our peoples
uprising would throw you criminals and warmonger out of our blood stained
and battle weary land forever!
Click here to view the cover
addition to some patriotic poems the following heading can be seen in the
magazine as well:
- Couple of differences in religion Taliban,
- Are they the filthiest imposters or the shameless
- Treacherous Taliban and Pajeros and donkeys
- Afghan servants and Pakistani fundamentalists
- Thousands hungry in the plentiful lands of
- Why US is not producing HIV vaccine
- Who is the liar, Qazi Hussain Ahmad or his
criminal Afghan offspring's
- And now a slap on the face of Taliban by their
biggest foster father
- Which one is Islamic, Iran or Taliban?
- Music and Khomainy and Taliban
- Gulbuddin is in the American list of their
- Winging by an outcast servant
- Master is still the same, its just he has
lost yesterdays kindnesses
- All articles in Persian
- Home Page