RAWA communiqué on Universal Human Rights Day, Dec.10, 2006
Afghanistan the Bloodiest Field for Slaughtering Human RightsFive years ago, the US and allies attacked Afghanistan in the name of bringing "Human Rights", "Democracy", and "Freedom" to the war-torn country. The Taliban regime fell and Hamid Karzai's puppet regime, which included the world-known Northern Alliance criminals, or as UN envoy Mahmoud Mestri said, "the bandit gangs", took over in the name of a fake democracy. However, today, the deceitful policies of Mr. Karzai and his Western guardians have brought Afghanistan to a very critical situation in which disaster is a ticking time bomb that can explode any minute. Treason and mockery have efficiently been used under the name of "democracy" and "freedom" in these five years, and the human rights situation in Afghanistan is a product of the painful deception of the warlord led government. ![]() "Women's Rights is Human Rights" Northern Alliance criminals backed by the US have their own local and barbaric governments. Just the increasing amount of women who commit suicides by burning themselves can be the best example of a human rights violation in Afghanistan. According to UNICEF, 65% of 50,000 widows in Kabul think that committing suicide is the only option they have. Northern Alliance crooks raped an 11 year old girl, Sanuber, and traded her with a dog. In Badakhshan a young woman was gang-raped by 13 Jehadies in front of her children, and one of the rapists urinated in the mouth of her children who were continuously crying. In Paghman, a suburb of Kabul, a criminal leader Rasol Sayyaf, who was the mentor and godfather of Khalid Shikh Mohammad, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, plunders our peoples' territory and tortures his opposition at his private prison. Despite many protest rallies of unfortunate people of Paghman in front of the Parliament House no one heard their painful voices, and the so-called police forces headed by infamous criminal warlords like Zahir Aghbar and Amanullah Guzar attacked the protesters and killed two of them. These are all just some examples of thousands of crimes that are being carried out by fundamentalists of the Northern Alliance, evil men who have high positions in executive, legislative, and judiciary branches of the US-imposed government, and some unprincipled intellectuals are dancing to their tune. Establishing state-run institutions such as the Independent Human Rights Commission and Ministry for Women Affairs is just a show-off to throw dust in the eyes of our people and the world community and to conceal the human rights catastrophe. Although these symbolic institutions spend a lot of money they have never addressed the core issue regarding human rights in Afghanistan, which is the atrocities carried out by the Northern Alliance criminals. For instance, a woman named Zofanoon Natiq, the head of the Women Affaires Ministry branch in Badakhshan Province in an interview with Pajhwak News Agency entirely refused the gang-rape saying "no such incident had occurred in Badakhshan" while the police chief in the same province contradicted her and said that a warlord from the fundamentalist Jamiat-e-Islami party named Mujtaba committed the crime. Another woman, Fahima Kakar, the head of the Women's Department in Kunduz, didn't want to displeasure warlords by only saying, "I think it is not proper to behead a lady, in my view and in Islam it is not good to kill someone" regarding the crime in which a woman was beheaded and killed while her hands were tightened on her back. All of the women in official posts are selected among such showpiece women who compromise with the fundamentalists and keep silence against their crimes. The disgraceful defeat and embarrassing situation in the war in Iraq left no option for the US except to illustrate Afghanistan as a success, whether it results in pain and suffering for the Afghan people or not. The disagreement among NATO members and the stand of some member sates against the will of the US made the situation harder for the White House. Therefore, America tries to keep a fragile, temporary stability in Afghanistan in order to promote a sense of accomplishment in producing a "democratic" Afghanistan all around the world, a "B52 democracy" in expanse to treason against the majority of Afghan people. Compromising with Gulbuddin's Islamic Party and Taliban and plans for Tribal Jirgas are treacherous games to finalize the Jehadies-Taliban-Gulbuddin-Khalqi-Parchami circle of evil. Tribal Jirgas will have no better fate then the Loya Jirga and Parliament to deceive our bereaved people. First the US divided the Taliban criminals into "moderate" and "non-moderate" factions. In the first stage Taliban criminal leaders such as Mullah Rocketi, Arsela Rahmani, Mullah Khaksar, Wakil Ahmad Motawakil, Qalamaddin etc. were stamped as being "moderate Taliban" and allowed to make their way into Parliament. Now, two criminal gangster leaders, Gulbuddin and Mullah Omer, were invited to join the government. In this case, only Al-Qaida remains to be invited to join the rotten Afghan Government. Although Gulbuddin's Party and Taliban have many representatives in the government branches and parliament, the last compromise invitations to criminal and bloodstained leaders illustrates that America never wants peace and stability in Afghanistan. The US government sacrifices our people for its political and economical interests by establishing a government full of traitors, criminals and drug-lords. It does not matter who rules in Kabul, the US wants just a puppet regime. An American military presence in Afghanistan has no benefit for our people. In addition, thousands of civilians lost their lives because of radioactive and cluster bombs and "friendly fire". This fact is obviously a disgrace for those who strongly defend American military presence in Afghanistan. Since the Northern Alliance criminals were installed into power, RAWA has been saying that it is impossible to bring peace, human rights and stability with a gang of criminals in power. Today even the western media points out the Jehadi warlords as a main problem in destabilizing Afghanistan, which proves RAWA's analysis. However, the fundamentalist Karzai government, in order to cover up its own irresponsibility, corruption and weaknesses, points at Pakistan's interference and support to the Taliban as the only main issue in Afghanistan and pretends that if this interference is stopped Afghanistan will become a heaven on earth! Karzai's government raises hue and cry on the Pakistani statement about the need of a "coalition government", but everyone knows that a coalition government with all the criminals such as Taliban, Jehadi, Gullbuddin and others is already in place. Murderers such as Sayyaf, Rabbani, Qannoni, Fahim, Mujadadi, Massoud, Dostom, Mahaqiq, Khalili, Ismail, and others who were Pakistan's and Iran's loyal agents and servants are trying to deceive our people by acting as if they are anti-Pakistan; however, they can never dissolve the shameful marks of being agents of Pakistan and others. Moreover, Pakistan and Iran also should first of all apologize to our oppressed people for their treacherous role in empowering and supporting Afghan brutal fundamentalist bands. Although it is obvious that the Taliban are supported by some Pakistani sources, as Iran supports her own spies such as Khalili, Mohaqiq, Kazimi, Bahwi, Ismail Khan and others, the core issue in Afghanistan is not Pakistani interference inside Afghanistan. The biggest factor in destabilizing Afghanistan is inside Afghanistan. As long as the main issue inside has not been solved, solving the external issues cannot be effective. The biggest factor that strengthens the Taliban is the hatred and disgust that our people have against the Jehadi mafia in the system. When people have no security, when they see lawlessness and how the criminals embezzle millions of dollars from international aid, they are indifferent about the rise of the Taliban. Haji Nek Mohammad who had lost his beloved in a NATO's air strike in Kandahar said, "I prefer to join the Taliban forces because Taliban have so far killed only 2 people in my village while the coalition forces killed 63 people in a single day." Our people know that there is no difference between Taliban and Jehadi warlords. They both are fundamentalist medieval forces that were created by foreigners and they will join forces against our people in any possible time. The Northern Alliance hooligan leader Rabbani confirmed this fact in his recent interview when he said that he will not fight against Taliban. Amusingly, there are some right and leftists groups outside Afghanistan who look at the Taliban as an "anti-imperialist" force and defend them. They satirize themselves by such funny remarks and prove that they are completely ignorant of the barbaric nature of the Taliban. If they had experienced one day of humiliation under the Taliban rule, they would have never made such hurting jokes with our people. The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) strongly supports the anti-war movement which grows day by day all around the world and becomes a strong force against the war-mongering policies of the US and her Allies. Despite being on the top of the fundamentalists' black list, we would like to assure our people that RAWA, as before, will never give up its struggle against Jehadi, Talibi, Khalqi, and Parchami murderers and will carry on its uncompromising fight with full determination to break the mask of the fundamentalists' demagogy. We would like to declare to all freedom-loving, anti-invader and anti-fundamentalist individuals and groups that as long as we don't form a united movement against the fundamentalists and their foreign masters, we would not be in a position to break the chain of oppression and tyranny. We announced on the first day of the US invasion that there is not one example in history where a foreign force brings freedom to another nation; only the people of Afghanistan themselves can gain these values.
Without the end of the fundamentalists rule, observance of human rights is just
a dream! Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)December 10, 2006پښتو | فارسی | Italiano | Deutsch | Português | 日本語 [Home Page] [RAWA in the Media] [Books on RAWA] [More RAWA Documents] |