RAWA demonstration on the International Human Rights Day
December 10, 2003 - Islamabad

RAWA marked International Human Rights Day by staging a demonstration in front of the UN headquarter in Islamabad.

The slogan in Pashto reads: "Without separation of state from religion, restoration of human rights is not possible."

Hundreds of Afghan refugee women and girls participated in the demonstration. Due to lack of funds we could not bring interested women from inside Afghanistan to take part in it.

The slogan in Farsi reads: "The fundamentalist's presence contaminates and discredits the Loya Jirga"

Some of the slogans: "My father was killed by Gulbuddin", "My father was killed by Dostum".

Slogan in Farsi: "Down with the Northern Alliance, power to the Afghan people!"

A RAWA spokesperson talking with a UN official in front of the UN office. She is presenting a memorandum to the UN.

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