Another disgraceful stigma on the face of the Taliban!

It seems that nobody will have any doubt about the murderous nature of the Jehadi fundamentalists of all brands, but to know about the inhuman and terrorist nature of the Taliban, suffice to see how they feel and act against the just voice of RAWA and its friends. 

Ms Deb Ellis the founding leader of Women for Women in Afghanistan based in Canada, who had participated and made a speech in RAWA’s function on the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8,1999, received the following shameful threatening letter. It speaks for itself. It shows who are ruling Afghanistan and how those countries that are supporting these sworn enemies of democracy and rights of women in one way or another, can be regarded as friends of our trampled people? 

As far as we are concerned, it should be stressed once more, as we had already announced to the Taliban, that RAWA inspired by the Meena and other martyrs, will never bow down before the fundamentalists be it so-called Jehadi or the Taliban. RAWA will continue to carry on its struggle for freedom, democracy and women’s rights!

Ms Deb Ellis at RAWA function
Ms Deb Ellis at RAWA function
Shameful threatening letter from Taliban to Ms Deb Ellis

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